About Us

We are the bold new direction of disciplined efficiency and effective delivery of facility solutions and standards. We are a facility solution organization that consists of people who are trained to perform essential operations for our clients, who want and/or needs a safe and comfortable place to perform their duties. We have become more integral to the ways many conduct modern business, by providing solutions for issues such as how to best support our clients organization and to ensure the perfect quality of support at the rights cost. We at the Bureau of Integrated Facility Services take great care of all areas within offices, multi-units, educational establishments, hotels and many others. We have served and for years to come, we will be of service.

Our Mission

Leverage the straightforward yet critical potential of CLEANTECH to enhance health and safety. By harnessing its power, we can effectively address and mitigate risks, ensuring a safer and healthier environment for all. Embracing CLEANTECH is a pivotal step towards a more secure and sustainable future.

Our Core Values

Designed and followed so that we as a company unit, yield the power of performance to the maximum extent possible. We perform to the H.I.L.T. (Honesty. Integrity. Loyalty. Trust.)

Our Purpose

To go beyond protecting staff and public occupants by advancing building healthcare. It’s about stopping physical and infectious threats before they surface.